
Thursday 16 April 2020



On monday me and my class went to the field for

Ki-O-Rahi. When we got to the field we had Sit

down then coach shanice, explained what we were

going to do today when she finished telling us what

to do she split us into teams one team was called team

keyoma and team taniwha.

When we all finished splitting into teams we started


game two people from, team keyoma Had to stand in

the middle and the Other team taniwha had to throw

the key to the tupu.

And team keyoma have people outside they have to

run and touch the pou and they can run and

touch the pou and give it to there team mate or they

can just be greedy and stay with it and try and score

and team taniwha has, to chase them because they

have the key and if the other team Accidentally

throws it to one person from the other team they run

back and throw it at the tupo.

But first we started with a kick off then we began the

game was fun and then team taniwha Switches to

become team keyoma then when it hit 11:50 we had to

go back to class. The end.

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